Our Academic Focus
Language Arts
Our school’s literacy program is designed to build strong reading and writing skills from Kindergarten through Grade 5. We use a comprehensive approach, integrating the Wit & Wisdom curriculum, which fosters deep understanding through rich texts and meaningful discussions.
For early literacy in K-2, we implement Heggerty phonemic awareness to strengthen foundational skills, and Fundations to support phonics and spelling development.
Together, these programs ensure that every student becomes a confident and capable reader and writer.
Our math curriculum is Bridges for mathematics. The curriculum focuses on developing students’ deep understandings of mathematical concepts, proficiency with key skills, and ability to solve complex and novel problems. Bridges blends direct instruction, structured investigation, and open exploration. It taps into the intelligence and strengths of all students by presenting material that is as linguistically, visually, and kinesthetically rich as it is mathematically powerful.
Students also sharpen their mental math strategies for problem solving during daily Number Talks lessons.
Science & Social Studies
Students at P.S. 165 are true scientists. Our science curriculum follows NY State Standards and is inquiry-based. Students engage in hands-on experiments to explore their world and engaging in conducting science investigations. P.S. 165 also partners with NY Hall of Science to provide hands-on learning both on site and at the museum.
Social Studies at P.S. 165 follows the Passport curriculum and engages students as future leaders in the community. Students learn about their community and rich histories. The curriculum follows the NY State Standards for social studies instruction.
Social Emotional Learning
As a Leader in Me School, our holistic approach to educate the whole child and cultivate each student’s leadership potential prepares our students for the real world. Our students are so much more than just a test score. Student leadership is a focal point of the Leader in Me Program and all students have leadership roles in their classrooms. Students can also apply for school-wide leadership roles and to be a part of the Student Lighthouse Team.
Learning Through Movement
In addition to physical education, students have time built into their day for stretching and movement. Classroom teachers off a brain-break where students are encouraged to do a special dance, movement, or stretch. Additionally, many of our academic programs incorporate movement into learning such as Guided Math, Science, and Fundations.
Recess Programming
P.S. 165 partners with the Super Soccer Stars program, proudly funded by the PTA and school, assists students at daily recess with sports activities and organized games.